The soul’s pain in business and life: solutions and antidotes

by | Nov 30, 2022

I am pained by your insults, aloofness, rejections, and surprise outbursts. I am pained by your arrogance, threats, public criticism, invalidation, indifference, ignorance, and mental and psychological torture. I am pained by your impositions and everything that you make me do by force or fear. I am pained by failure, deception, betrayal, abuse, and manipulation. I am depressed, listless, insecure, and bored.

These feelings are silently expressed by people daily and deep within their thoughts, without us even realizing that they are in pain, and they find no relief. It is a constant and intimate pain that destroys or depletes them like in slow cooking or as if they had a disease that consumed them gradually, like infections that slowly kill you.

I make this reflection because most human beings go through such horrible situations many times in their lives, either in the office or in personal life. This type of disposition affects our daily behavior and can significantly damage our response capacity and professional and relational performance.

The question we all ask ourselves is whether there is medication or a painkiller to ease the pain or something that allows us to prevent or cure our agony.

Those of us who already have the advantage of a long life know that these types of maladies are difficult to prevent and take time to heal. There are antidotes and remedies.

The first and easy solution is to run or stay away from or set aside the cause of this difficult condition, like how we treat something that causes us allergy. If you have a seafood allergy, do not eat it. Distance yourself from it.

The second solution is to replace whoever makes you feel bad with someone who makes you feel good (The best way to get over someone is to get under someone, as the saying goes). If you like pasta, you eat it instead of seafood. You substitute seafood so that you do not miss it, and you feel like you have been given a treat.

The third solution is to apply an antidote so that nothing can cause pain, sadness, anger, depression, or fear. This is the key point. We need to be immensely aware that nobody and nothing can make us feel anything. We are the ones who decide what to feel or not to feel; it is a mental decision. One states or declares their feelings. It may be raining, but we are happy. Even upon the death of a loved one, we can find happiness and celebrate their legacy and departure instead of feeling sad over their absence.

There is always a positive side to everything that happens to us, which we should appreciate, cheer for, and celebrate. When we find ourselves focusing and dwelling on the negative aspect of things, we should immediately look at the other side, the positive, and we will surely realize that there is so much to take advantage of and in our favor to consider.

My father died, but he left me with many life lessons that I apply every day; the same happened with my mother. I celebrate their legacies, and I receive guidance from both in their new capacity as Beings of Light who accompany, advise, and watch over me every minute. It was hard for me to think of them like this because my father and mother were my idols. However, I managed, and now I am convinced of the benefit of always thinking about the positive instead of the negative.

There are many companies and people that I have loved for what I have learned with them and for the pleasant moments, tremendous satisfaction, and experiences that they left me. Many of the lessons were painful, as expected, but they allowed me to grow and become wiser. Each one has made me a better human being.

I have always had bad moments and events as a temporary reference that teaches me something powerful that I have had to learn. Most of them are in my dead file, which is what companies do when past events are no longer valid, and we look for them only for reference.

In short, I have only gratitude for each person and company that I have known and served in life. Meanwhile, I have developed a quick and powerful way to forgive and send bad memories loaded with toxic feelings to the dead file. They serve as simple references to life’s lessons that do not carry any weight other than my own story of personal growth.

I invite you to develop your antidotes so that nothing causes you pain beyond a day. After that, you are ready to move forward again with plenty of energy, similar to what cyclists do. From one stage to another, they compete for their resilience, and those who get up as if nothing happened and face the new stage with renewed strength are the ones who take the glory. Salespeople are psychologically beaten by stress and their bosses pushing for results; they receive ungrateful treatment from clients, their bosses, and the people at their companies. Everyone sees them as non-compliant, lazy, and liars. Good salespeople can generate sales despite always having everything stacked against them because they carry immense self-motivation. Their ability to recover from blows is enormous and extremely rapid. That is what they call resilience.

The tough times and experiences of life can knock us down. However, it is up to us to accomplish a speedy recovery that allows us to emerge stronger and behave like champions.


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